Passive InterModulation (PIM) in Cellular Networks.
Passive InterModulation (PIM) in Cellular Networks describes the mathematical interference incurred when multiple desired communication signals result in a family of undesired signals and disturbances at high frequencies and power ratings - specifically in the ~20GHz and up to 200W ranges of operation, although also affecting lower (typically ~2GHz~/20W) regions.
These undesired signals and disturbances interfere with desired signals resulting in losses and dropped transmissions. The problem is so significant that in 2012 Hughes Electronics embarked upon a new R&D program aimed at isolating specific causes of PIM and creating a new breed of products that would significantly reduce its cause and effects.
Hughes Electronics has looked beyond the high level, previously identified causes of PIM such as external interference, materials handling, installation and performance to identify the major contributing factors at a more granular level and have found that many causes of PIM are in effect designed in. We have investigated the sources of such avoidable signal degradation and focused on cost effective, legacy compatible solutions to these issues. A new breed of products that provide better mitigation strategies that will help resolve the identified issues and enable higher and more consistent 4G network performance are currently in development at Hughes Electronics.
Hughes' research has focused on cost effective, legacy compatible solutions to the issues - we have investigated the sources of avoidable signal degradation and are currently developing products that provide better mitigation strategies to help resolve the identified issues and enable higher and more consistent 4G network performance.
Hughes' product development includes:
- A low PIM, non-metallic connector series with a special focus on signal and screening integrity
- A non-ferrite based impedance matching 120 - 75 ohm balun series with a special focus on maintaining high SNR
- A family of exterior grade twisted-pair cross connects with a special focus on maintaining accurate impedance
To find out more about the new products currently under development at Hughes Electronics {simplepopup popup="false" name=spupim} {/simplepopup} {simplepopup link=spupim}register your interest here. {/simplepopup}