Equalise differing cable sizes to provide Network interface
ZonaEQ, from Hughes Electronics, is a DC step-down enclosure designed to provide 35mm² cable input with a 6mm² cable output. Served by Hughes’ unique Bastion connector complete with ‘power on’ LED and additionally equipped with Hughes unique external earth connection, ZonaEq reduces DC cable size and provides a functional earth for any equipment on the structure.
ZonaEQ is a durable polycarbonate enclosure with a glass fibre reinforced cover created by the Hughes Imagineering team to equalise differing cable sizes providing 35mm² trunk cables with an interface ability to Network equipment requiring a 6mm² Dc input. IP68 rated with an optional pressure compensation element, ZonaEQ protects an internal equalising assembly from heavy snow, rain or climatic cycling to keep your DC connections dry and operational. Power input accepts cable up to 35mm² through a waterproof gland. Bastion latch to lock output connectors create secure 6mm² jumper connections every-time. Bastion connectors provide simple, trouble-free, toolless field terminations too allowing engineers to create bespoke cables on-site without the need for specialist tools. Corrosive eddy currents caused by earthing equipment to the structure are designed out by Hughes Imagineers, ZonaEQ’s external earth connection point provides a positive route to ground for all system equipment, preserving the structure's protective coatings and extending its useful life. Finally, the LED power indicators provide alerts of any BOB power continuity faults, improving health and safety and eliminating all guess-work. |
Greg Rymar, Chief Imaginer at Hughes, said “We set out to provide a lighter, more functional alternative to the established heavy, behind the curve metal boxes that can corrode and lack adequate waterproofing. The poor combination of high price tags, poor functionality and low serviceable periods made this type of product space perfect for our innovations team to make improvements. ZonaEQ does exactly that.” |