Term | Main definition |
Node B |
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Node B Jumper |
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Noise |
In a cable or circuit, any extraneous signal (electromagnetic
energy) that interferes with the desired signal normally
present in or passing through the system.
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Nomex |
A DuPont trademark for a temperature-resistant, flameretardant
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Non-zero-dispersion-shifted fiber |
A type of single-mode optical fiber designed to reduce
the effects of chromatic dispersion while minimizing
four-wave mixing.
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Normal |
A path drawn perpendicular to the interface, or boundary
layer between two media, that is used to determine the
angle of incidence of light reaching the interface.
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Normal angle |
The angle that is perpendicular to a surface.
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NRZ Non-return to zero | A digital code in which the signal level is low for a 0 bit and high for a 1 bit and which does not return to zero volts between successive 1 bits or between successive 0 bits.
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NSA National Security Agency | The U.S. government agency responsible for protecting U.S. communications and producing foreign intelligence information. It was established by presidential directive in 1952 as a separately organized agency within the Department of Defense.
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NSN | Nokia Siemens Networks
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NT-1 |
Used to terminate ISDN at the customer premises. It
converts a two-wire ISDN U interface to a four-wire S/T
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NVP Nominal velocity of propagation | The speed that a signal propagates through a cable expressed as a decimal fraction of the speed of light in a vacuum. Typical copper cables have an NVP value of between 0.6c and 0.9c.
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Nyquist Minimum |
The calculated minimum effective sampling rate for a
given analog signal based on its highest expected frequency.
The Nyquist Minimum requires sampling to
take place at a minimum of twice the expected highest
frequency of an analog signal. For example, if an analog
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