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Orange, when used in conjunction with color-coding for twisted-pair cabling.
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Optical carrier level one, equal to 51.84Mbps. This is a SONET channel, whose format measures 90 bytes and is composed of the transport overhead and the synchronous payload envelope.
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SONET channel of 622.08Mbps.
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SONET channel of 10Gbps, currently the highest level now available.
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SONET Channel of 155.52Mbps.
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SONET channel of 2.5Gbps.
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Eight bits (also called a byte).
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OCWR Optical continuous wave reflectometer

A device that measures optical return loss, or the loss of optical signals due to reflection back toward the transmitter.

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ODC Optical directional coupler

A directional coupler used to combine or separate optical power.

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An optical fiber cable that has conducting (metal) elements in its construction and that meets the plenum test requirements of NFPA 262; examples of conducting elements in the cable include the copper wire or interlock aluminum armoring.
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An optical fiber cable that has conducting (metal) elements in its construction and that meets the riser test requirements of UL 1666; examples of conducting elements in the cable include the copper wire or interlock aluminum armoring
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The handset
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Office principle ground point (OPGP)
The main grounding point in a central office. Usually connects directly to an earth ground like a water pipe.
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An optical fiber cable that has no conducting (metal) elements and meets the plenum test requirements of NFPA 262 (UL910).
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A unit of electrical resistance. The value of resistance through which a potential of one volt will maintain a current of one ampere.

Named after Georg Ohm.

Ω = Ohm

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