Term | Main definition |
F Type | RF Coaxial connector, The Type F is similar to the Type G except it is threaded rather than snap-on. Primary applications are for cable television (CATV), set top boxes, and cable modems.
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F-series connector |
A type of coaxial RF connector used with coaxial cable.
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Fabry-P |
A type of laser used in fiber-optic transmission. The Fabry-
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Face Plate | Also known as Bezel or Facia. Part of an outlet unit that sits on a wall or inset within the floor of an office. The Bezel is the frame or a face onto which you can fix various interfaces to create the connection points needed.
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Faceplate |
A plate used in front of a telecommunications outlet. See
also wall plate.
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Fanout cable |
A multifiber cable that is designed for easy connectorization.
These cables are sometimes sold with installed
connectors or as part of a splice pigtail, with one end carrying
many connectors and the other installed in a splice
cabinet or panel ready for splicing or patching.
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Fanout kit |
A collection of components used to add tight buffers to
optical fibers from a loose tube buffer cable. A fanout
kit typically consists of a furcation unit and measured
lengths of tight buffer material. It is used to build up the
outer diameter of fiber cable for connectorization.
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Far-end |
The end of a twisted pair cable that is at the far end with
respect to the transmitter, i.e., at the receiver end.
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Far-end crosstalk (FEXT) |
Crosstalk that is measured on the nontransmitting wires
and measured at the opposite end from the source. See
Chapter 1 for more information on various types of
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Farad |
A unit of capacitance that stores one coulomb of electrical
charge when one volt of electrical pressure is applied.
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Faraday effect |
A phenomenon that causes some materials to rotate the
polarization of light in the presence of a magnetic field.
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Fast Ethernet |
Ethernet standard supporting 100Mbps operation. Also
known as 100Base-TX or 100Base-FX (depending on
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FC connector |
A threaded optical fiber connector that was developed
by Nippon Telephone and Telegraph in Japan. The FC
connector is good for single-mode or multimode fiber
and applications requiring low back reflection. The FC is
a screw type and is prone to vibration loosening.
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Federal Communications Commission (FCC) |
The federal agency responsible for regulating broadcast
and electronic communications in the United States.
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Feeder cable |
A voice backbone cable that runs from the equipment
room cross-connect to the telecommunications crossconnect.
A feeder cable may also be the cable running
from a central office to a remote terminal, hub, head end,
or node.
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