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Frequency response
The range of frequencies over which a device operates as expected.
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Fresnel diffraction pattern
The near-field diffraction pattern.
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Fresnel loss
The loss at a joint due to a portion of the light being reflected.
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Fresnel reflection
Reflection of a small amount of light passing from a medium of one refractive index into a medium of another refractive index. In optical fibers, reflection occurs at the air/glass interfaces at entrance and exit ends.
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Fresnel reflection method
A method for measuring the index profile of an optical fiber by measuring reflectance as a function of position on the end-face.
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FTP Foil twisted pair -Also maybe referred to as SHIELDED cable—it has now been detailed as F/UTP (4 pairs to have an overall foil screen, and pairs are not screened), F/FTP (individually pairs are foil screened, and overall foiled screened as well), S/FTP (individually pairs are foil screened, and overall braid screen)

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Full Band

A frequency range covering all UK operators for given technology 900 / 1800 / 2100

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A system in which signals may be transmitted in two directions at the same time.
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Full-duplex transmission
Data transmission over a circuit capable of transmitting in both directions simultaneously.
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Fundamental mode
The lowest number mode of a particular waveguide.
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Furcation unit
A component used in breakout kits and fanout kits for separating individual optical fibers from a cable and securing tight buffers and/or jackets around the fibers.
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Fusion splicing
A splicing method accomplished by the application of localized heat sufficient to fuse or melt the ends of the optical fiber, forming continuous single strand of fiber. As the glass is heated it becomes softer, and it is possible to use the glass
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Fusion splicing
A splicing method accomplished by the application of localized heat sufficient to fuse or melt the ends of the optical fiber, forming continuous single strand of fiber. As the glass is heated it becomes softer, and it is possible to use the glass
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