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NSN 3G Node B modular system used by MBNL

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A floating circuit is one that has no ground connection.
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Floor distributor (FD)
The ISO/IEC 11801 term for horizontal cross-connect. The floor distributor is used to connect between the horizontal cable and other cabling subsystems or equipment.
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Floor module

Floor modules are sized 37mm x 22mm. Also known as LJ6 size. They come in Cat5e or Cat6.

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Fluorinated ethylene-propylene (FEP)
A thermoplastic with excellent dielectric properties that is often used as insulation in plenum-rated cables. FEP has good electrical-insulating properties and chemical and heat resistance and is an excellent alternative to PTFE (Teflon
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FM Frequency modulation

A method of adding information to a sine wave signal in which its frequency is varied to impose information on it. Information is sent by varying the frequency of an optical or electrical carrier. Other methods include amplitude modulation (AM) and phase modulation (PM).

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Four-wave mixing
The creation of new light wavelengths from the interaction of two or more wavelengths being transmitted at the same time within a few nanometers of each other. Fourwave mixing is named for the fact that two wavelengths interacting with each other will produce two new wavelengths, causing distortion in the signals being transmitted. As more wavelengths interact, the number of new wavelengths increases exponentially.
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Frame check sequence (FCS)
A special field used to hold error correction data in Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) frames.
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Frame relay
A packet-switched, wide area networking (WAN) technology based on the public telephone infrastructure. Frame relay is based on the older, analog, X.25 networking technologies.
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MBNL street cabinet

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Free space optics transmission
The transmission of optical information over air using specialized optical transmitters and receivers.
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Free token
In Token Ring networks, a free token is a token bit set to 0.
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Frequency (f)
The number of cycles per second at which a waveform alternates
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Frequency division multiplexing (FDM)
A technique for combining many signals onto a single circuit by dividing the available transmission bandwidth by frequency into narrower bands; each band is used for a separate communication channel. FDM can be used with any and all of the sources created by wavelength division multiplexing (WDM).
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Frequency hopping
Frequency hopping is the technique of improving the signal to noise ratio in a link by adding frequency diversity.
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