Term | Main definition |
P region |
The area in a semiconductor that is doped to have an
abundance of electron acceptors in which vacancies
in the valence electron level are the dominant current
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PABX | PABX Master – Also known as PBX.
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Packet |
Bits grouped serially in a defined format containing
a command or data message sent over a network. The
packet is the major structure of data sent over a network.
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Packet switching |
The process of breaking messages into packets. Each
packet is then routed optimally across the network.
Packet sequence numbers are used at the destination
node to reassemble packets.
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Packing fraction |
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PAL | Phase Alternate Lines- A coaxial connector. Also known as a belling lee connector.
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PAM5x5 |
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Part 68 requirements |
Specifications established by the FCC as the minimum
acceptable protection that communications equipment
must provide to the telephone network.
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PAS Profile alignment system | A fiber splicing technique for using non-electro-optical linked access technology for aligning fibers for splicing.
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Passive branching device |
A device that divides an optical input into two or more
optical outputs.
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Passive coupler |
Divides light without generating new light.
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Patch |
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Patch cable |
Any flexible piece of cable that connects one network
device to the main cable run or to a patch panel that in
turn connects to the main cable run; also called patch
cord. Used for interconnecting circuits on a patch panel
or cross-connect. Patch cables are short distance, usually
have connectors preinstalled on both ends, are used to
connect equipment, and are generally between 3 and 6
meters long.
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Patch Cord | Patch Lead – May also be referred to as a Patch lead, fly lead, patch cable or RJ45 Lead.
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Patch panel |
A connecting hardware that typically provides means to
connect horizontal or backbone cables to an arrangement
of fixed connectors that may be accessed using patch
cords or equipment cords to form cross-connections or
interconnections. Patch panels may connect either copper
or optical fiber cables.
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