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Fiber-optic communication system
Involves the transfer of modulated or unmodulated optical energy (light) through optical-fiber media.
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Fiber-optic connector panel
A patch panel where fiber-optic connectors are mounted.
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Fiber-optic inter-repeater link (FOIRL)
An Ethernet fiber-optic connection method intended for connection of repeaters.
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Fiber-optic pigtail
Used to splice outside plant cable to the backside of a fiber-optic patch panel.
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Fiber-optic test procedures (FOTP)
Test procedures outlined in the EIA-RS-455 standards.
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Fiber-optic transmission
A communications scheme whereby electrical data is converted to light energy and transmitted through optical fibers.
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Fiber-optic waveguide
A long, thin strand of transparent material (glass or plastic), which can convey electromagnetic energy in the optical waveform longitudinally by means of internal refraction and reflection.
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Fibre optics – light transmission through optical fibers for communication and signaling.

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Figure of 8

Also known as IEC320 C7/ C8

Type of IEC connector used for Power supply. (See C7/ C8)

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A fiber-optic cable with a strong supporting member incorporated for use in aerial installations. See also messenger cable.
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Nonconducting components cabled with insulated conductors or optical fibers to impart flexibility, tensile strength, roundness, or a combination of all three.
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A device that blocks certain wavelengths to permit selective transmission of optical signals.
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Material, device, or collection of parts installed in a cable pathway (such as a conduit or riser) at a fire-rated wall or floor to prevent passage of flame, smoke, or gases through the rated barrier.
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Fish tape
Also called fish cord. A tool used by electricians to route new wiring through walls and electrical conduit.
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Flex life
The average number of times a particular cable or type of cable can bend before breaking.
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