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Reversed pair
A wiring error in twisted-pair cabling where the conductors of a pair are reversed between connector pins at each end of a cable. A cabling tester can detect a reversed pair.
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RF access point
A wireless receiver and transmitter used in a wireless network. This point accesses incoming RF signals and transmits RF signals.
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The “RG” number used for cable identification means “registration number”

The registration number simply refers to an industry standard. Originated and allocated by the US military to standardize cable.

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Radio grade/universal. RG is the common military designation for coaxial cable.
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The type designation for the coaxial cable used in thin Ethernet (10Base-2). It has a 50 ohm impedance rating and uses BNC connectors.

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RG59-Registered number 59 is a coaxial type cable.
It is suitable for basic analogue TV antenna feeds in residential applications and for basic CCTV systems over short cable runs.

Tip: RG59 is a similar size to RG62 and so connectors/ boots for the RG59 will fit RG62.

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The type designation for the coaxial cable used in ARCnet networks. It has a 93 ohm impedance and uses BNC connectors.

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Multiple conductors or optical fibers clad in a single, flat, ribbon-like cable.
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Rigging Installation and Commissioning Certificate, an Excel document recording antenna installation, sweep test results and schematic.

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Rigging Contractor
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(1) A polarity designation of one wire of a pair indicating that the wire is that of the secondary color of a five-pair cable (which is not commonly used anymore) group (e.g., the blue wire of the blue/white pair). (2) A wiring contact to which the ring wire is attached. (3) The negative wiring polarity (see also tip). (4) Two or more stations in which data is passed sequentially between active stations, each in turn examining or copying the information before finally returning it to the source. See also ring topology
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Ring conductor
A telephony term used to describe one of the two conductors that is in a cable pair used to provide telephone service. This term was originally coined from its position as the second (ring) conductor of a tip-ring-sleeve switchboard plug. See also ring.
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Ring topology
A network topology in which terminals are connected in a point-to-point serial fashion in an unbroken circular configuration. Many logical ring topologies such as Token Ring are wired as a star for greater reliability.
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A length of string built into optical fiber cables that is pulled to split the outer jacket of the cable without using a blade.
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(1) A designation for a type of cable run between floors Fire-code rating for indoor cable that is certified to pass through the vertical shaft from floor to floor. (2) A space for indoor cables that allow cables to pass between floors, normally a vertical shaft or space.
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