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Remote Control Unit

Hits - 1329

RealTilt Control Unit providing RET AISG interface to Node B.

Hits - 1429
Hits - 1338

Rigging Data Sheet – details the existing and required radio requirements for a cell site. Owned by the Cell Planner.

Hits - 1422
A measure of the combined effects of capacitance and inductance on an alternating current. The amount of such opposition varies with the frequency of the current. The reactance of a capacitor decreases with an increase in frequency. The opposite occurs with an inductance.
Hits - 2218
A device whose purpose is to capture transmitted signal energy and convert that energy for useful functions. In fiber-optic systems, an electronic component that converts light energy to electrical energy.
Hits - 2669
Receiver sensitivity
In fiber optics, the amount of optical power required by a particular receiver in order to transmit a signal with few errors. Can be considered a measure of the overall quality of receiver. The more sensitive the receiver, the better its quality.
Hits - 1294
Receiver sensitivity
In fiber optics, the amount of optical power required by a particular receiver in order to transmit a signal with few errors. Can be considered a measure of the overall quality of receiver. The more sensitive the receiver, the better its quality.
Hits - 1283
The part of a fiber-optic receiver that accepts a connector and aligns the ferrule for proper optical transmission.
Hits - 1911
A percentage that represents the amount of light that is reflected back along the path of transmission from the coupling region, the connector, or a terminated fiber.
Hits - 1877
(1) A return of electromagnetic energy that occurs at an impedance mismatch in a transmission line, such as a LAN cable. See also return loss. (2) The immediate and opposite change in direction that happens to a light beam when it strikes a reflective surface. Reflection causes several spectral problems, including high optical distortion and enhanced intensity noise.
Hits - 2274
The bending of a beam of light as it enters a medium of different density. Refraction occurs as the velocity of the light changes between materials of two different refractive indexes.
Hits - 1961
Refractive index gradient
The change in refractive index with respect to the distance from the axis of an optical fiber.
Hits - 1187
Refractive index profile
A graphical description of the relationship between the refractive indexes of the core and the cladding in an optical fiber.
Hits - 1278
A receiver-transmitter pair that detects a weak signal, cleans it up, then sends the regenerated signal through another length of fiber.
Hits - 1243