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In optical transmission, a wavelength at which attenuation is low, allowing light to travel greater distances through the fiber before requiring a repeater.
Hits - 1417
Wire center
(1) Another name for a wiring or telecommunications closet. (2) A telephone company building where all local telephone cables converge for service by telephone switching systems. Also called central office or exchange center.
Hits - 1385
Wire cross-connect
A piece of equipment or location at which twisted-pair cabling is terminated to permit reconnection, testing, and rearrangement. Cross-connects are usually located in equipment rooms and telecommunications closets and are used to connect horizontal cable to backbone cable. Wire cross-connects typically use a 66- or 110-block. These blocks use jumpers to connect the horizontal portion of the block to the backbone portion of the block.
Hits - 1318
Wire fault
A break in a segment or cable that causes an error. A wire fault might also be caused by a break in the cable
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Wireless bridge
A wireless bridge is a hardware component used to connect two or more network segments (LANs or parts of a LAN) that are physically and logically (by protocol) separated. It does not necessarily always need to be a hardware device, as some operating systems (such as Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and FreeBSD) provide software to bridge different protocols.
Hits - 1306
Work area
The area where horizontal cabling is connected to the work area equipment by means of a telecommunications outlet. A telecommunications outlet serves a station or desk. See also work area telecommunications outlet.
Hits - 1848
Work area cable
A cable used to connect equipment to the telecommunications outlet in the user work area. Sometimes called a patch cable or patch cord.
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Work area telecommunications outlet
Sometimes called a wall plate, a connecting device located in a work or user area where the horizontal cabling is terminated. A work-area telecommunications outlet provides connectivity for work area patch cables, which in turn connect to end-user equipment such as computers or telephones. The telecommunications outlet can be recessed in the wall, mounted on the wall or floorboard, or recessed in the floor or a floor monument.
Hits - 2012
A collection of workstations and servers on a LAN that are designated to communicate and exchange data with one another
Hits - 1449
A computer connected to a network at which users interact with software stored on the network. Also called a PC (personal computer), network node, or host.
Hits - 2070