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Symbol used to designate current.
Hits - 3278
IBM data connector
Used to connect IBM Token Ring stations using Type 1 shielded twisted-pair 150 ohm cable. This connector has both male and female components, so every IBM data connector can connect to any other IBM data connector.
Hits - 1810

Insulation Displacement Connector - Usually for flat ribbon cable. A type of connector which attaches to a cable by using metal prongs to pierce the cable's outer insulation and make contact with the inner conductor.
Also contacts on RJ45 sockets and many telecom devices are connected via IDC contacts.

Hits - 2053

IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission)
A range of standardised power connector’s used to connect devices to the mains supply. (i.e. Kettle Lead)

Hits - 2406
IEC C13 Socket

Also known as IEC C13 SOCKET, IEC 320,  C13 Female, CEE 22 or Kettle connector.
The 3-pin 10 AMP Power socket, referred to as a kettle type connector used to connect the mains supply to equipment.
The C13/C14 connectors are six sided (a rectangle with the top corners beveled off) and the pins are vertical mounted parallel to the shorter sides.

Hits - 1888
IEC C14 Plug

Also known as IEC 320 C14 Male, CEE 22 or Kettle connector.

The 3-pin 10 AMP Power plug used for most household power leads. The kettle type plug that is used to connect the mains supply to the computer. (see Kettle Lead)

The C13/C14 connectors are six sided (a rectangle with the top corners beveled off) and the pins are vertical mounted parallel to the shorter sides.

Hits - 2621
IEC C15 Socket

Also known as IEC 320 C15 Female, Hot Condition,
3 Pin contact socket 10 AMP

Hits - 1852
IEC C16 Plug

Also known as IEC 320 C16 Male, Hot Condition, 3 Pin contact socket 10 AMP.

Hits - 1952
IEC C19 Socket

Also known as IEC 320 C19 Female.

The C19 16 AMP 3-pin socket is a rectangular shape with slightly rounded corners the pins are horizontally mounted parallel to the longer sides of the connector.

Unlike the C13/C14 connectors the C19/C20 pins are horizontally set and so easy to tell apart.

Hits - 1844
IEC C20 Plug

Also known as IEC 320 C20 Male.
The C20 16AMP 3-pin Plug is a rectangular shape with slightly rounded corners and the pins are horizontally mounted parallel to the longer sides of the connector.
Unlike the C13/C14 connectors the C19/C20 pins are horizontally set and so easy to tell apart.

Hits - 1937
IEC C5 Socket

C5 socket, often referred to as Mickey Mouse or Clover Leaf.

3 Pin IEC connector 2.5 AMP

Hits - 2184
IEEE 802.1 LAN/MAN Management
The IEEE standard that specifies network management, internetworking, and other issues that are common across networking technologies.
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IEEE 802.10 LAN/MAN Security
The IEEE standard that provides a series of guidelines dealing with various aspects of network security.
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IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN
The IEEE standard that provides guidelines for implementing wireless technologies such as infrared and spread-spectrum radio.
Hits - 1634
IEEE 802.12 Demand Priority Access Method
The IEEE standard that defines the concepts of a demand priority network such as HP
Hits - 2012