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A small-form-factor optical fiber connector originally designed and manufactured by AT&T Bell Labs; closely resembles the RJ-11 connector.
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An undesirable passage of current over the surface of or through a connector.
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Leased line
A private telephone line (usually a digital line) rented for the exclusive use of a leasing customer without interchange switching arrangements.
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Least-squares averaging
A method of measuring attenuation in a fiber-optic signal that reduces the effect of high-frequency noise on the measurement.
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LED (Light Emitting Diode) – a solid state device that radiates light at a single frequency through plastic or glass.

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Generic term used for antenna line components that are existing on site or re-used. Should be logged in schematics as ‘existing’.

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The electromagnetic radiation visible to the human eye between 400nm and 700nm. The term is also applied to electromagnetic radiation with properties similar to visible light; this includes the invisible near-infrared radiation in most fiber-optic communication systems.
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Light-emitting diode (LED)
A semiconductor device used in a transmitter to convert information from electric to optical form. The LED typically has a large spectral width (that is, it produces incoherent light); LED devices are usually used on low-speed (100
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Line build-out (LBO)
A device that amplifies a received power level to ensure that it is within proper specs.
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Line conditioner
A device used to protect against power surges and spikes. Line conditioners use several electronic methods to clean all power coming into the line conditioner so that clean, steady power is put out by the line conditioner.
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Line-of-sight transmission
The transmission of free-space-optics devices where the transmitter and receiver are in the same plane.
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An end-to-end transmission path provided by the cabling infrastructure. Cabling links include all cables and connecting hardware that compose the horizontal or backbone subsystems. Equipment and work-area cables are not included as part of a link.
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Link light
A small light-emitting diode (LED) that is found on both the NIC and the hub and is usually green and labeled
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Equipment included on a list published by an organization, acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction, that maintains periodic inspection of production of listed equipment, and whose listing states either that the equipment or material meets appropriate standards, or that it has been tested and found suitable for use in a specified manner. In the United States, electrical and data communications equipment is typically listed with Underwriters Laboratories (UL).
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Floor box module size – See Floor Module

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