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Line Jack Unit
Also known as a Line Jack telephone outlet
(see PABX, PSTN or Secondary)

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An arm of a Token Ring that extends from a multistation access unit (MSAU) to a workstation adapter.
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Local area network (LAN)
A network connecting multiple nodes within a defined area, usually within a building. The linking can be done by cable that carries optical fiber or copper. These are usually high bandwidth (4Mbps or greater) and connect many nodes within a few thousand meters. LANs can, however, operate at lower data rates (less than 1Mbps) and connect nodes over only a few meters.
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Local exchange carrier (LEC)
The local regulated provider of public switched telecommunications services. The LEC is regulated by the local Public Utilities Commission.
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Local loop
The loop or circuit between receivers (and, in two-way systems, receivers and senders), who are normally the customers or subscribers to the service
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A low-speed form of LAN data link technology developed by Apple Computer. It was designed to transport Apple
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Logical network addressing
The addressing scheme used by protocols at the OSI Network layer.
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Logical ring topology
A network topology in which all network signals travel from one station to another, being read and forwarded by each station. A Token Ring network is an example of a logical ring topology.
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Logical topology
Describes the way the information flows. The types of logical topologies are the same as the physical topologies, except that the information flow specifies the type of topology.
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Long Screw

Long Screw
Telco connectors and D Type hoods among other equipment are usually supplied with screws to enable the installer to secure the heavy lead without it slipping or being knocked out of place.
The installer may require Long or Short screws depending on the space they have available.

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Long wavelength
Light whose wavelength is greater than 1000nm (longer than one micron).
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Longitudinal conversion loss (LCL)
A measurement (in decibels) of the differential voltage induced on a conductor pair as a result of subjecting that pair to longitudinal voltage. This is considered to be a measurement of circuit balance.
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Longitudinal conversion transfer loss (LCTL)
Measures cable balance by the comparison of the signal appearing across the pair to the signal between ground and the pair, where the applied signal is at the opposite end of the cable from the location at which the acrosspair signal is measured. LCTL is also called far-end unbalance attenuation.
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Longitudinal modes
Oscillation modes of a laser along the length of its cavity. Each longitudinal mode contains only a very narrow range of wavelengths; a laser emitting a single longitudinal mode has a very narrow bandwidth. The oscillation of light along the length of the laser
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(1) A complete electrical circuit. (2) The pair of wires that winds its way from the central office to the telephone set or system at the customer
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