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Black body

A body or material that, in equilibrium, will absorb 100 percent of the energy incident upon it, meaning it will not reflect the energy in the same form. It will radiate nearly 100 percent of this energy, usually as heat and/or IR (infrared).

Hits - 1517
Blown fiber

A method for installing optical fiber in which fibers are blown through pre-installed conduit or tube using air pressure to pull the fiber through the conduit.

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BNC connector

Bayonet Neill-Concelman connector (Neill and Concelman were the inventors). A coaxial connector that uses a

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(1) The method of permanently joining metallic parts to form an electrical contact that will ensure electrical continuity and the capacity to safely conduct any current likely to be imposed on it. (2) Grounding bars and straps used to bond equipment to the building ground. (3) Combining more than one ISDN B-channel using ISDN hardware.

Hits - 1993
Bounded medium

A network medium that is used at the physical layer where the signal travels over a cable of some kind, as opposed to an unbounded medium such as wireless networking.

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Brown. Refers to brown cable pair color in UTP twistedpair cabling.

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A group of textile or metallic filaments interwoven to form a tubular flexible structure that may be applied over one or more wires or flattened to form a strap. Designed to give a cable more flexibility or to provide grounding or shielding from EMI.

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Breakout cable

Multifiber cables composed of simplex interconnect cables where each fiber has additional protection by using additional jackets and strength elements, such as aramid yarn.

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Breakout kit

A collection of components used to add tight buffers, strength members, and jackets to individual fibers from a loose tube buffer cable. Breakout kits are used to build up the outer diameter of fiber cable when connectors are being installed and designed to allow individual fibers to be terminated with standard connectors.

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A network device, operating at the Data Link layer of the OSI model, that logically separates a single network into segments but lets the multiple segments appear to be one network to higher-layer protocols.

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Bridged tap

Multiple appearances of the same cable pair at several distribution points, usually made by splicing into a cable. Also known as parallel connections. Bridge taps were commonly used in coaxial cable networks and still appear in residential phone wiring installations. Their use is not allowed in any structured cabling environment.

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British Standards Institution

BSI Group was founded as the Engineering Standards Committee in London in 1901. It subsequently extended its standardization work and became the British Engineering Standards Association in 1918, adopting the name British Standards Institution in 1931 after receiving its Royal Charter in 1929. In 1998 a revision of the Charter enabled the organization to diversify and acquire other businesses, and the trading name was changed to BSI Group.

The Group now operates internationally in 172 countries. The core business remains standards and standards related services, although the majority of the Group's revenue comes from management systems assessment and certification work.

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A transmission facility that has the ability to handle a variety of signals using a wide range of channels simultaneously. Broadband transmission medium has a bandwidth sufficient to carry multiple voice, video, or data channels simultaneously. Each channel occupies (is modulated to) a different frequency bandwidth on the transmission medium and is demodulated to its original frequency at the receiving end. Channels are separated by

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Broadband ISDN

An expansion of ISDN digital technology that allows it to compete with analog broadband systems using ATM or SDH.

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Communicating to more than one receiving device simultaneously.

Hits - 1747